Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos
By Candido Mendes
First article in a series on the life and work of the late political scientist
By Candido Mendes
First article in a series on the life and work of the late political scientist
By Alexandre Ganan de Brites Figueiredo
The key to understanding the XNUMXst century is not how China will behave as a power, but how the US will deal with China's rise.
By Otaviano Helene
The “Future-se” project diverts part of the resources of Federal Institutions of Higher Education to private companies and OSs, compromising university autonomy.
By Alysson Leandro Mascaro
Left-wing governments, in these first decades of the XNUMXst century, operated within the framework of forms of capitalist sociability. They did not break with ideological apparatuses, the main obstacle of revolutionary struggles
By Candido Mendes
First article in a series on the life and work of the late political scientist
By Alexandre Ganan de Brites Figueiredo
The key to understanding the XNUMXst century is not how China will behave as a power, but how the US will deal with China's rise.
By Otaviano Helene
The “Future-se” project diverts part of the resources of Federal Institutions of Higher Education to private companies and OSs, compromising university autonomy.
By Alysson Leandro Mascaro
Left-wing governments, in these first decades of the XNUMXst century, operated within the framework of forms of capitalist sociability. They did not break with ideological apparatuses, the main obstacle of revolutionary struggles