From Hayek to Guedes
By Tarso Genro
Ultraliberalism courts dictatorship. For him, politics, free elections, democratic dissent only hinder business creativity and free enterprise.
By Tarso Genro
Ultraliberalism courts dictatorship. For him, politics, free elections, democratic dissent only hinder business creativity and free enterprise.
By Luis Felipe Miguel
The newspaper Folha de S. Paulo never tires of praising Guedes' economic policy. And the involvement of the highest level of power with common criminality is practically hidden from the news.
By Tarso Genro
Ultraliberalism courts dictatorship. For him, politics, free elections, democratic dissent only hinder business creativity and free enterprise.
By Luis Felipe Miguel
The newspaper Folha de S. Paulo never tires of praising Guedes' economic policy. And the involvement of the highest level of power with common criminality is practically hidden from the news.