Art on the horizon of extreme situations
By Flávio Aguiar
Faced with an ever-present demarcation line, art seeks to reach or surpass it, only to reposition itself, later on, as a utopia
By Flávio Aguiar
Faced with an ever-present demarcation line, art seeks to reach or surpass it, only to reposition itself, later on, as a utopia
By Julian Rodrigues
The term “customs” sounds like something individual, secondary, relative. It is understandable that the media and reactionaries manipulate the term, but it is not acceptable for progressive people to use the expression
By Flávio Aguiar
Faced with an ever-present demarcation line, art seeks to reach or surpass it, only to reposition itself, later on, as a utopia
By Julian Rodrigues
The term “customs” sounds like something individual, secondary, relative. It is understandable that the media and reactionaries manipulate the term, but it is not acceptable for progressive people to use the expression