The Capitalism of Disaster
By Leonardo Boff
This pandemic cannot be fought only by economic and health means that are always essential. It demands another relationship with nature and the Earth.
By Leonardo Boff
This pandemic cannot be fought only by economic and health means that are always essential. It demands another relationship with nature and the Earth.
By Vladimir Safatle
This gesture has civilizing force. Brazil cannot have two crises to manage, namely the coronavirus and Bolsonaro.
By Julian Rodrigues
The neoliberal prescription is being challenged. The political-economic debate leans to the left. Proposals arise for the allocation of state resources, minimum income, nationalization of companies, stricter controls over economic activity.
The website A Terra É Redonda apologizes to the public and, consequently, to Piauí magazine, for the mistake that led it to erroneously attribute to this publication the misappropriation of its name. The confusion stemmed from
By Leonardo Boff
This pandemic cannot be fought only by economic and health means that are always essential. It demands another relationship with nature and the Earth.
By Vladimir Safatle
This gesture has civilizing force. Brazil cannot have two crises to manage, namely the coronavirus and Bolsonaro.
By Julian Rodrigues
The neoliberal prescription is being challenged. The political-economic debate leans to the left. Proposals arise for the allocation of state resources, minimum income, nationalization of companies, stricter controls over economic activity.
The website A Terra É Redonda apologizes to the public and, consequently, to Piauí magazine, for the mistake that led it to erroneously attribute to this publication the misappropriation of its name. The confusion stemmed from