The political crisis and the “desiring thought”
By Julian Rodrigues
Conjuncture analyzes should not be therapeutic mechanisms, nor should they be aimed at emulating militancy. Criticism of the article “The weakness of the left”.
By Julian Rodrigues
Conjuncture analyzes should not be therapeutic mechanisms, nor should they be aimed at emulating militancy. Criticism of the article “The weakness of the left”.
By Jorge Luiz Souto Maior
Alternative ways to stimulate the economy and the labor market should be sought, promoting a new social renegotiation based on effective solidarity
By Daniel Brazil
Commentary on the book Dárlin, by Airton Paschoa, recently released in the second revised edition
By Tarso Genro
In the vacuum of the dissolution of political solidarity, democratic options fade away, creating the culture broth where fascism proliferates, the death of the rule of law by the will of organized insanity in power.
By Julian Rodrigues
Conjuncture analyzes should not be therapeutic mechanisms, nor should they be aimed at emulating militancy. Criticism of the article “The weakness of the left”.
By Jorge Luiz Souto Maior
Alternative ways to stimulate the economy and the labor market should be sought, promoting a new social renegotiation based on effective solidarity
By Daniel Brazil
Commentary on the book Dárlin, by Airton Paschoa, recently released in the second revised edition
By Tarso Genro
In the vacuum of the dissolution of political solidarity, democratic options fade away, creating the culture broth where fascism proliferates, the death of the rule of law by the will of organized insanity in power.