By Valerio Arcary
For twenty years the military dictatorship imposed state terror to preserve political stability. The dictatorship silenced a generation. Persecuted tens of thousands, arrested thousands, killed hundreds.
By Antônio Sales Rios Neto -
In order to effectively inaugurate the beginning of another model of civilization, some positions must be established: it will be necessary for the leaders of all countries, especially the members of the G7 and the
By Leonardo Boff
The deaths perpetrated by the dictatorship cannot be forgotten, as their blood cries out to the heavens and demands justice. These people were under the care of the State, which has the duty to safeguard their lives, regardless of the circumstances.
By Osvaldo Coggiola and Edgar Azevedo
The ongoing ideological operation presents the economic crisis as a product of the health crisis when, in fact, it preceded the pandemic, which openly manifested and sharpened it.
By Fabio Konder Comparato
The 1964 coup was based on the alliance between the Armed Forces and landowners and big businessmen, national and foreign. This political consortium engendered state terrorism.
By Valerio Arcary
For twenty years the military dictatorship imposed state terror to preserve political stability. The dictatorship silenced a generation. Persecuted tens of thousands, arrested thousands, killed hundreds.
By Antônio Sales Rios Neto -
In order to effectively inaugurate the beginning of another model of civilization, some positions must be established: it will be necessary for the leaders of all countries, especially the members of the G7 and the
By Leonardo Boff
The deaths perpetrated by the dictatorship cannot be forgotten, as their blood cries out to the heavens and demands justice. These people were under the care of the State, which has the duty to safeguard their lives, regardless of the circumstances.
By Osvaldo Coggiola and Edgar Azevedo
The ongoing ideological operation presents the economic crisis as a product of the health crisis when, in fact, it preceded the pandemic, which openly manifested and sharpened it.
By Fabio Konder Comparato
The 1964 coup was based on the alliance between the Armed Forces and landowners and big businessmen, national and foreign. This political consortium engendered state terrorism.