The manifesto for the resignation
By Flavio Aguiar
The cultural, social, economic, spiritual, moral and now health damage that this government's political farce has been causing to the country and its image has no parallel in Brazilian history.
By Flavio Aguiar
The cultural, social, economic, spiritual, moral and now health damage that this government's political farce has been causing to the country and its image has no parallel in Brazilian history.
By Daniel Brazil
Commentary on the last novel by Philip Roth (1933-2018).
By Roberto Noritomi
Commentary on three European films that address transformations in the world of work.
By Eduardo Bicudo
Countries that invest above 2% of GDP in scientific research and development (technology), with the exception of the US, have coped better with the pandemic.
By Matheus Capovilla Romanetto
Commentary on the book Pathologies of the social: archeologies of psychic suffering, organized by Vladimir Safatle; Nelson da Silva Junior and Christian Dunker.
By Roberto Amaral and Manuel Domingos Neto
Bolsonaro maintains his ardent attachment to the project of destroying the solidary traits of human coexistence that he nurtured throughout his life, and which persists, now being embraced by a reasonable portion of
By Chico Alencar
Scattered crowds, but united to boo at the top of their lungs the executioners of logic, the merchants of faith, the gangsters of politics, the executioners of science, the killers of hope.
By Flavio Aguiar
The cultural, social, economic, spiritual, moral and now health damage that this government's political farce has been causing to the country and its image has no parallel in Brazilian history.
By Daniel Brazil
Commentary on the last novel by Philip Roth (1933-2018).
By Roberto Noritomi
Commentary on three European films that address transformations in the world of work.
By Eduardo Bicudo
Countries that invest above 2% of GDP in scientific research and development (technology), with the exception of the US, have coped better with the pandemic.
By Matheus Capovilla Romanetto
Commentary on the book Pathologies of the social: archeologies of psychic suffering, organized by Vladimir Safatle; Nelson da Silva Junior and Christian Dunker.
By Roberto Amaral and Manuel Domingos Neto
Bolsonaro maintains his ardent attachment to the project of destroying the solidary traits of human coexistence that he nurtured throughout his life, and which persists, now being embraced by a reasonable portion of
By Chico Alencar
Scattered crowds, but united to boo at the top of their lungs the executioners of logic, the merchants of faith, the gangsters of politics, the executioners of science, the killers of hope.