Postscript on Control Societies
By Gilles Deleuze
Science fiction is not necessary to conceive a control mechanism that provides at all times the position of an element in an open environment, an animal in a reserve, a man in a company.
By Gilles Deleuze
Science fiction is not necessary to conceive a control mechanism that provides at all times the position of an element in an open environment, an animal in a reserve, a man in a company.
By Anselm Jappe
The gravity of this crisis in world capitalist society is not the direct and proportional consequence of the magnitude of the disease. More than that, it is the consequence of the extreme fragility of this society and a revealing
By Fábio Kerche and Marjorie Marona
Lula increased the autonomy of the Public Ministry and, particularly, of the one that could prosecute him, the PGR. But why?
By Chico Alencar
“Producing classes”, today, are no longer the owners of capital, but the workers, the common people. the essentials
By Patricia Valim
Popular sovereignty, even if in absentia of the tired leaders of the party, is the only vaccine to fight the virus and the worm.
By Gilles Deleuze
Science fiction is not necessary to conceive a control mechanism that provides at all times the position of an element in an open environment, an animal in a reserve, a man in a company.
By Anselm Jappe
The gravity of this crisis in world capitalist society is not the direct and proportional consequence of the magnitude of the disease. More than that, it is the consequence of the extreme fragility of this society and a revealing
By Fábio Kerche and Marjorie Marona
Lula increased the autonomy of the Public Ministry and, particularly, of the one that could prosecute him, the PGR. But why?
By Chico Alencar
“Producing classes”, today, are no longer the owners of capital, but the workers, the common people. the essentials
By Patricia Valim
Popular sovereignty, even if in absentia of the tired leaders of the party, is the only vaccine to fight the virus and the worm.