With Maria Rita Kehl and Ismail Xavier and mediation by Ricardo Musse. The actuality of this concept for understanding both individual identity and social and political life.
With Maria Rita Kehl and Ismail Xavier and mediation by Ricardo Musse. The actuality of this concept for understanding both individual identity and social and political life.
By Leonardo Boff:
Human beings are the greatest threat to life on Earth. They accumulate means of destruction in which, in 2019 alone, one trillion and 822 billion dollars were invested: lethal weapons, completely ineffective in the face of the invisible.
By Artur Kon:
Commentary on the theatrical work, by the Austrian writer, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2019
By Juliana Paula Magalhães:
Analysis of Provisional Measure n. 936, of April 1, 2020, which signals the alignment of the federal government with the immediate interests of capital owners
By Carlos Tautz:
If the private financial system in Brazil depends on massive injections of public resources, it is because it does not have the competence to establish itself
With Maria Rita Kehl and Ismail Xavier and mediation by Ricardo Musse. The actuality of this concept for understanding both individual identity and social and political life.
By Leonardo Boff:
Human beings are the greatest threat to life on Earth. They accumulate means of destruction in which, in 2019 alone, one trillion and 822 billion dollars were invested: lethal weapons, completely ineffective in the face of the invisible.
By Artur Kon:
Commentary on the theatrical work, by the Austrian writer, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2019
By Juliana Paula Magalhães:
Analysis of Provisional Measure n. 936, of April 1, 2020, which signals the alignment of the federal government with the immediate interests of capital owners
By Carlos Tautz:
If the private financial system in Brazil depends on massive injections of public resources, it is because it does not have the competence to establish itself