Ruy Fausto: Inside and outside Marxism
Ruy Fausto: Inside and outside Marxism:
By Eleutério FS Prado
Commentary on the principal works of the recently deceased philosopher
Ruy Fausto: Inside and outside Marxism:
By Eleutério FS Prado
Commentary on the principal works of the recently deceased philosopher
By Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval:
Considerations on the intellectual and political trajectory, in Brazil and in France, of Ruy Fausto
By Aldo Fornazieri:
If there is something truly frightening about the situation, it is the inertia and passivity of the opposition, of the left
By Helenice Rocha:
Faced with the reactions of a president who faces the pandemic with his sadistic enjoyment, there are still those who doubt the fact that we are being governed by a representative of death
By Antonio Ioris and Rafael Ioris:
Millions who never had decent medical service will now have nothing like it.
Ruy Fausto: Inside and outside Marxism:
By Eleutério FS Prado
Commentary on the principal works of the recently deceased philosopher
By Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval:
Considerations on the intellectual and political trajectory, in Brazil and in France, of Ruy Fausto
By Aldo Fornazieri:
If there is something truly frightening about the situation, it is the inertia and passivity of the opposition, of the left
By Helenice Rocha:
Faced with the reactions of a president who faces the pandemic with his sadistic enjoyment, there are still those who doubt the fact that we are being governed by a representative of death
By Antonio Ioris and Rafael Ioris:
Millions who never had decent medical service will now have nothing like it.