The Hollywood Ideology
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: There are critics who exaggerate by saying that all of Hollywood's cinematography is right-wing. But if we start counting on our fingers, it won't seem like such an exaggeration anymore.
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: There are critics who exaggerate by saying that all of Hollywood's cinematography is right-wing. But if we start counting on our fingers, it won't seem like such an exaggeration anymore.
By GILDA WALTHER DE ALMEIDA PRADO: Commentary on the film by Leon Hirszman, based on the play by Gianfrancesco Guarnieri
By BERNARDO RICUPERO: Since the coronavirus crisis, the destruction promoted by Bolsonaro and his government has gained an urgency and literalness that one could not imagine.
By THOMAS PIKETTY: The author of Capital in the XNUMXst Century discusses the effects of the pandemic on economies, societies and globalization.
By JULIAN RODRIGUES: There is a coup rhetoric (“self-coup”) and also a growing discomfort with Bolsonaro upstairs. Political solutions, however, are not on the agenda
By RICARDO EVANDRO S. MARTINS: Agamben is a European philosopher who is suspicious of science, which in the past had its Nazi version. Agamben also suspects science as the one that holds the truth about politics and life and
By ANTÔNIO SALES RIOS NETO: When a hegemonic worldview comes up against problems, challenges and dilemmas that affect all its areas of influence, a crisis situation is triggered, in which the validity of the vision begins to be questioned.
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: There are critics who exaggerate by saying that all of Hollywood's cinematography is right-wing. But if we start counting on our fingers, it won't seem like such an exaggeration anymore.
By GILDA WALTHER DE ALMEIDA PRADO: Commentary on the film by Leon Hirszman, based on the play by Gianfrancesco Guarnieri
By BERNARDO RICUPERO: Since the coronavirus crisis, the destruction promoted by Bolsonaro and his government has gained an urgency and literalness that one could not imagine.
By THOMAS PIKETTY: The author of Capital in the XNUMXst Century discusses the effects of the pandemic on economies, societies and globalization.
By JULIAN RODRIGUES: There is a coup rhetoric (“self-coup”) and also a growing discomfort with Bolsonaro upstairs. Political solutions, however, are not on the agenda
By RICARDO EVANDRO S. MARTINS: Agamben is a European philosopher who is suspicious of science, which in the past had its Nazi version. Agamben also suspects science as the one that holds the truth about politics and life and
By ANTÔNIO SALES RIOS NETO: When a hegemonic worldview comes up against problems, challenges and dilemmas that affect all its areas of influence, a crisis situation is triggered, in which the validity of the vision begins to be questioned.