By Eduardo Moreira: We are more than twice as many of them! We have the right to choose the paths of this country.
By Eduardo Moreira: We are more than twice as many of them! We have the right to choose the paths of this country.
By LUIS FELIPE MIGUEL: The legal and political structure, since the 2016 coup, has been subverted to annul all concessions to dominated groups, stripping itself of its class character.
By ANDRÉ RONCAGLIA: Fundamentalist neoliberals like Guedes use an elastic “acceptable deadline” to make their predictions come true. This deadline is sensitive to the time needed for their “reforms” to finally take effect; six months, one, two… even four years
By RUBEN BAUER NAVEIRA: This text is based on surveys about covid and the possibilities for dealing with the disease, and it contains therapeutic indications that people can adopt and practice themselves, and that
By RODRIGO DE FARIA: By refusing to assume responsibility for planning and coordinating to address health and economic problems, the current Federal Government is revealing a harsh and direct truth: that it did not have and will not
By Eduardo Moreira: We are more than twice as many of them! We have the right to choose the paths of this country.
By LUIS FELIPE MIGUEL: The legal and political structure, since the 2016 coup, has been subverted to annul all concessions to dominated groups, stripping itself of its class character.
By ANDRÉ RONCAGLIA: Fundamentalist neoliberals like Guedes use an elastic “acceptable deadline” to make their predictions come true. This deadline is sensitive to the time needed for their “reforms” to finally take effect; six months, one, two… even four years
By RUBEN BAUER NAVEIRA: This text is based on surveys about covid and the possibilities for dealing with the disease, and it contains therapeutic indications that people can adopt and practice themselves, and that
By RODRIGO DE FARIA: By refusing to assume responsibility for planning and coordinating to address health and economic problems, the current Federal Government is revealing a harsh and direct truth: that it did not have and will not