the hole in the wall
By ARTHUR NESTROVSKI: Commentary on Rubem Fonseca's book.
By ALEXANDRE DE FREITAS BARBOSA: The middle classes do not behave in unison, as they are split between the middle class of the market and the middle class that defends citizenship.
By RICARDO ANTUNES: Read an excerpt from the new book by the labor sociologist
By MANUEL DOMINGOS NETO: The manipulation of statistical data on the pandemic by General Eduardo Pazuello, still in active service in the Army, feeds the arguments of those who believe that we are already under a dictatorial regime.
By OSVALDO COGGIOLA: A historical and political reconstruction of the debates on the question of imperialism within the Second International (1889-1914).
By ALEXANDRE DE FREITAS BARBOSA: The middle classes do not behave in unison, as they are split between the middle class of the market and the middle class that defends citizenship.
By RICARDO ANTUNES: Read an excerpt from the new book by the labor sociologist
By MANUEL DOMINGOS NETO: The manipulation of statistical data on the pandemic by General Eduardo Pazuello, still in active service in the Army, feeds the arguments of those who believe that we are already under a dictatorial regime.
By OSVALDO COGGIOLA: A historical and political reconstruction of the debates on the question of imperialism within the Second International (1889-1914).