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By CHICO ALENCAR: We need to create a new culture, rethink our model of society
By CHICO ALENCAR: We need to create a new culture, rethink our model of society
By TARSO GENRO: The situation of lethargic division, in which a large part of the left finds itself, has not allowed us – until now – to have a common public voice
By HENRI ACSELRAD: In Brazil today, the exercise of memory shows that no matter how much freedom is achieved, it will never be achieved enough.
By RUBENS PINTO LYRA: It was not only politicians and members of the clandestine opposition who were the object of the military regime's punitive wrath
By MARCELO JOSÉ MOREIRA: The shock of the new coronavirus exposes a health-economic-civilizational crisis, making clear the failure of the fallacy of the globalizing process as an ideology and as a civilizing process
By CHICO ALENCAR: We need to create a new culture, rethink our model of society
By TARSO GENRO: The situation of lethargic division, in which a large part of the left finds itself, has not allowed us – until now – to have a common public voice
By HENRI ACSELRAD: In Brazil today, the exercise of memory shows that no matter how much freedom is achieved, it will never be achieved enough.
By RUBENS PINTO LYRA: It was not only politicians and members of the clandestine opposition who were the object of the military regime's punitive wrath
By MARCELO JOSÉ MOREIRA: The shock of the new coronavirus exposes a health-economic-civilizational crisis, making clear the failure of the fallacy of the globalizing process as an ideology and as a civilizing process