Fragments VII
By AIRTON PASCHOA: Seven short pieces
By MARGARET JULL COSTA & ROBIN PATTERSON: Commentary on the novel by Machado de Assis by the translators of his short stories into English
By DANIEL BRAZIL: Comment on the book “Toada de um educator quasi caipira”
Preface of the homonymous book, reports of women in search of justice for family members killed by the dictatorship
By LUIZ ROBERTO ALVES: Education will always be about “leading away” from impositions and “novelties”, out of respect for culture, the human spirit and the biology of the being. Therefore, revolution is necessary
By YURI ULBRICHT: The meaning of the plague in Hippocrates, Thucydides, Cicero and Boccaccio
By MARGARET JULL COSTA & ROBIN PATTERSON: Commentary on the novel by Machado de Assis by the translators of his short stories into English
By DANIEL BRAZIL: Comment on the book “Toada de um educator quasi caipira”
Preface of the homonymous book, reports of women in search of justice for family members killed by the dictatorship
By LUIZ ROBERTO ALVES: Education will always be about “leading away” from impositions and “novelties”, out of respect for culture, the human spirit and the biology of the being. Therefore, revolution is necessary
By YURI ULBRICHT: The meaning of the plague in Hippocrates, Thucydides, Cicero and Boccaccio