
little creatures

By ARTHUR NESTROVSKI: Commentary on the book by Rubem Fonseca

The dispute for 5G in Brazil

By ALEXANDRE G. DE B. FIGUEIREDO: The US ambassador is raising his tone in Brazil and moving towards a belligerence unbecoming of his role. Here, he is talking about the importance of 5G

the hasty reopening

By RICARDO GEBRIM: We continue on the path to chaos, with the danger of neo-fascism seeking to take advantage of the situation

military responsibility

By ROBERTO BUENO: When the theater curtain comes down, those responsible for the human massacres will have to come down from the stage and, soon, be presented to account for their horrendous performance, for their responsibilities for genocide.

Who is the main enemy?

By SÁVIO BONES: On all sides it is possible to hear warnings about the growth of militias, the advance of the extreme right, the fraying of the legal role played by public security forces, the multiplication of intolerant groups






little creatures

By ARTHUR NESTROVSKI: Commentary on the book by Rubem Fonseca

The dispute for 5G in Brazil

By ALEXANDRE G. DE B. FIGUEIREDO: The US ambassador is raising his tone in Brazil and moving towards a belligerence unbecoming of his role. Here, he is talking about the importance of 5G

the hasty reopening

By RICARDO GEBRIM: We continue on the path to chaos, with the danger of neo-fascism seeking to take advantage of the situation

military responsibility

By ROBERTO BUENO: When the theater curtain comes down, those responsible for the human massacres will have to come down from the stage and, soon, be presented to account for their horrendous performance, for their responsibilities for genocide.

Who is the main enemy?

By SÁVIO BONES: On all sides it is possible to hear warnings about the growth of militias, the advance of the extreme right, the fraying of the legal role played by public security forces, the multiplication of intolerant groups




Daniel Aarão Reis Sean Purdy Ricardo Pagliuso Regatieri Antonio Sales Rios Neto Luiz Renato Martins Jose Raimundo Trinidad Angelita Matos Souza pressure gauge José Feres Junior Henri Acselrad Denis de Moraes Michael Lowy Luiz Bernardo Pericas Olgaria Matos Henry Burnett Lincoln Secco Luciano Nascimento Bruno Fabricio Alcebino da Silva Ronald Leon Núñez Marlon de Souza Luiz Werneck Vianna Paulo Sergio Pinheiro Ricardo Antunes Gil Vicente Reis de Figueiredo Gilberto Lopes Rodrigo de Faria Francisco Fernandes Ladeira Florestan Fernandes Roberto Noritomi Ricardo Iannace Mariarosaria Fabris Ricardo Abramovay Paulo Capel Narvai William Preger André Singer Manuel Domingos Neto Antonino Infranca Ari Marcelo Solon Marcelo Modolo Pedro Henrique M. Aniceto Alysson Leandro Mascaro Ricardo Fabbrini Ronaldo Tamberlini Pagotto Cesar Locatelli Mario Maestri Heraldo Campos Anselm Jappe Eugenio Bucci Marilena Chauí Celso Favaretto Carla Teixeira Airton Paschoa Boaventura de Sousa Santos Alexandre Ganan de B. Figueiredo Alexandre Aragão de Albuquerque Fernando Nogueira da Costa Eugenio Trivinho Eleonora Albano Fernão Pessoa Ramos Tarsus-in-law Erico Andrade Gilberto Maringoni Vladimir Safari Anselmo Pessoa Neto Ricardo Cavalcanti-Schiel Rubens Pinto Lyra Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa Andres del Rio Joao Sette Whitaker Ferreira Tadeu Valadares Leonardo Boff Jean-Pierre Chauvin Jorge Branco Nildo Viana Claudius Katz Joao Carlos Loebens Rafael R. Ioris José Geraldo Couto Jorge Luiz Souto Maior Francisco Foot Hardman Chico Alencar José Machado Moita Neto daniel afonso da silva Erik Chiconelli Gomes Gerson Almeida Fernando Sarti Ferreira Eberval Gadelha Figueiredo Jr. Dirceu Andre Marcio Neves Soares Andre Rodrigues Joao Paulo Ayub Fonseca Paulo Silveira Iury Tavares Tales Ab'Saber Michel Goulart da Silva michael roberts Marcio Salgado Edward Borges Chris Hedges Aracy PS Balbani Joao Quartim de Moraes Jaldes Meneses Marcelo Guimaraes Lima Celso Frederick Yuri Martins-Fontes Thomas Piketty Jose Costa Junior Luis Fernando Vitagliano Remy Jose Fontana Juarez Guimaraes Samuel Kilsztajn Sergio Amadeu da Silveira Rafael Valim Matheus Silveira de Souza Luiz Costa Lima Eliziário Andrade Luiz Eduardo Soares Salem Nasser Fabio Konder Comparato Marcos Aurélio da Silva Francisco Pereira de Farias Diogo Fagundes Emilio Cafassi Elias jabbour Luiz Marques Renato Dagnino Jose Luis Fiori Marcelo Ridenti Flavio Aguiar Luiz Roberto Alves Bento Prado Jr. Jean Marc Von Der Weid Renato Ortiz Ladislau Dowbor Plínio de Arruda Sampaio Jr. Eleutério FS Prado John Kennedy Ferreira Cristiano Addario de Abreu Ricardo Musse José Micaelson Lacerda Morais Marjorie C. Marona Denilson Cordeiro Gilberto Bercovici Mariana Lins Costa Carlos Águedo Paiva Alexandre de Oliveira Torres Carrasco Priscila Figueiredo Jefferson Nascimento Tadeu Alencar Arrais Ronald Rocha Daniel Brazil Vanderlei Tenorio Afrânio Catani Valerio Arcary Everaldo de Oliveira Andrade Alexandre Juliete Rosa Simao Pedro Ronaldo Tadeu de Souza Leda Maria Paulani Andrew Korybko Walnice Nogueira Galvão Annateresa Fabris Leonardo Sacramento Bruno Machado Roberto Bueno Arnaldo Sampaio de Moraes Godoy berenice bento Guilherme Rodrigues Milton Pinheiro Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr. Armando Boito Vinicio Carrilho Martinez Alexandre de Lima Castro Tranjan Ivan da Costa Marques Renato Janine Ribeiro Sergio Scargel Yanis Varoufakis Anderson Alves Esteves Paulo Martins Flavio R. Kothe Alessandro Octaviani Ricardo Gebrim Hugo Dionisio Antonio David Caio Bugiato Marcus Ianoni Fabricio Maciel Dennis Oliveira Daniel Costa Slavoj Žižek Elenira Vilela Joao dos Reis Silva Junior homero santiago Igor Felipe Santos Marcelo Aith André Luiz de Souza Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira John Adolfo Hansen Thiago Bloss de Araujo Ruben Bauer Naveira Sandra Bitencourt Francisco de Oliveira Barros Junior Marilia Pacheco Fiorillo Chico Whitaker Lorenzo Stained Glass Michel Aires de Souza Dias Leonardo Avritzer Maria Rita Kehl Gabriel Cohn Jose Ricardo Figueiredo Francisco Louça Antonio Martins Paulo Fernandes Silveira Liszt scallop Joao Lanari Bo Felipe APL Costa Joao Carlos Brum Torres Renato Nucci Jr. Mark Silva Lucas Fiaschetti Estevez Atilio A. Borón Carlos Tautz Antonio Valverde Luiz Augusto Estrella Faria Joao Carlos Salles Marcos Dantas Luis Felipe Miguel Francisco Teixeira Katia Gerab Baggio Octavian Helene José Manuel de Sacadura Rocha Ricardo Evandro S. Martins Laymert Garcia dos Santos Deborah Mazza Osvaldo Coggiola William Nozaki Julian Rodrigues João Pedro Stedile Bernardo Ricupero Benicio Viero Schmidt