Why do Christians stone?
When Christians choose to condemn a ten-year-old child, they not only throw the first stone, but also reserve the monopoly of hypocrisy for themselves.
When Christians choose to condemn a ten-year-old child, they not only throw the first stone, but also reserve the monopoly of hypocrisy for themselves.
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The political environment in Brazil has been little open to the free exercise of critical debate on the social and environmental impacts of mining projects
By HERALDO CAMPOS: Itaorna Beach is located on a geological fault and over the years the Angra 1, 2 and 3 nuclear power plants were built there.
By DANIEL BRAZIL: Commentary on the novel “Dossiê H”, by Ismail Kadaré
By RAFAEL VALIM: An excerpt from the recently released book “The consequences of Covid-19 in Brazilian law”
When Christians choose to condemn a ten-year-old child, they not only throw the first stone, but also reserve the monopoly of hypocrisy for themselves.
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The political environment in Brazil has been little open to the free exercise of critical debate on the social and environmental impacts of mining projects
By HERALDO CAMPOS: Itaorna Beach is located on a geological fault and over the years the Angra 1, 2 and 3 nuclear power plants were built there.
By DANIEL BRAZIL: Commentary on the novel “Dossiê H”, by Ismail Kadaré
By RAFAEL VALIM: An excerpt from the recently released book “The consequences of Covid-19 in Brazilian law”