Captain's Legacy
By MARINA RUIVO: Commentary on the novel by Flavio Aguiar
By SIMON TISDALL: For many on the left, Biden's global outlook represents less a new dawn than a return to policies led by the Washington establishment
Preface to the Brazilian edition of the book edited by Anselm Jappe, Sandrine Aumercier, Clément Homs & Gabriel Zacarias
By GERALDO OLIVEIRA: Subterfuges of Afro-descendants in the face of phenotypic racism
By SIMON TISDALL: For many on the left, Biden's global outlook represents less a new dawn than a return to policies led by the Washington establishment
Preface to the Brazilian edition of the book edited by Anselm Jappe, Sandrine Aumercier, Clément Homs & Gabriel Zacarias
By GERALDO OLIVEIRA: Subterfuges of Afro-descendants in the face of phenotypic racism