Monitoring of municipal campaigns on Facebook. Does engagement translate into voting intentions?
By MANCHETÔMETRO: Does popularity and engagement on networks generate votes?
By MANCHETÔMETRO: Does popularity and engagement on networks generate votes?
By MARCOS DANTAS: Commentary on Richard Barbrook's book
Comments on recent events in international politics
By NILCE ARAVECCHIA, LARYSSA KRUGER DA COSTA & RODRIGO TONETA: A Universal Basic Income program should be thought of as a gateway to a more autonomous life
By AFRÂNIO CATANI: Like a pandemic: commentary on the book by Adolfo Bioy Casares
By JOSÉ DIRCEU: What Trump's defeat means for Brazil and the world; and what to expect from the Democrat in the White House
By MANCHETÔMETRO: Does popularity and engagement on networks generate votes?
By MARCOS DANTAS: Commentary on Richard Barbrook's book
Comments on recent events in international politics
By NILCE ARAVECCHIA, LARYSSA KRUGER DA COSTA & RODRIGO TONETA: A Universal Basic Income program should be thought of as a gateway to a more autonomous life
By AFRÂNIO CATANI: Like a pandemic: commentary on the book by Adolfo Bioy Casares
By JOSÉ DIRCEU: What Trump's defeat means for Brazil and the world; and what to expect from the Democrat in the White House