In the heart of barbarism
By TARSO GENRO: How many more dead people need to be piled up for the Powers to react together with the people?
By TARSO GENRO: How many more dead people need to be piled up for the Powers to react together with the people?
By AFRÂNIO CATANI: Commentary on the collection organized by Heloísa Fernandes, “Wright Mills: sociology”
Liberals love a nasty anecdote that claims that anyone who wasn't a socialist in their twenties has no heart, and that anyone who remains a socialist after their thirties has no sense.
By WAGNER ROMÃO: The political conjunction between Lava Jato and the barracks was notorious. With Moro defeated, the unified military party, active and praised by the media, seeks a way out with Bolsonaro or with an alternative on the right
By ALEXANDRE LC TRANJAN: Labor rights do not prevent exploitation and surplus value. But it is better to live with them than without them
By TARSO GENRO: How many more dead people need to be piled up for the Powers to react together with the people?
By AFRÂNIO CATANI: Commentary on the collection organized by Heloísa Fernandes, “Wright Mills: sociology”
Liberals love a nasty anecdote that claims that anyone who wasn't a socialist in their twenties has no heart, and that anyone who remains a socialist after their thirties has no sense.
By WAGNER ROMÃO: The political conjunction between Lava Jato and the barracks was notorious. With Moro defeated, the unified military party, active and praised by the media, seeks a way out with Bolsonaro or with an alternative on the right
By ALEXANDRE LC TRANJAN: Labor rights do not prevent exploitation and surplus value. But it is better to live with them than without them