thinking about the periphery
By FLAVIO R. KOTHE: The discourse of history exists so that the groans of the vanquished cannot be heard
By FLAVIO R. KOTHE: The discourse of history exists so that the groans of the vanquished cannot be heard
By SOLENI BISCOUTO FRESSATO: The cinema of indigenous peoples as a place of resistance and otherness.
By STAVROS MAVROUDEAS: The specter of crisis looms once again over capitalist economies
By ANDRÉ MÁRCIO NEVES SOARES: Since the American subprime crisis in 2008, wild capitalism seems to have lost its inner peace
By TADEU ALENCAR ARRAIS: Exploitation via indebtedness is the most pornographic aspect of Brazilian neoliberalism
By FLAVIO R. KOTHE: The discourse of history exists so that the groans of the vanquished cannot be heard
By SOLENI BISCOUTO FRESSATO: The cinema of indigenous peoples as a place of resistance and otherness.
By STAVROS MAVROUDEAS: The specter of crisis looms once again over capitalist economies
By ANDRÉ MÁRCIO NEVES SOARES: Since the American subprime crisis in 2008, wild capitalism seems to have lost its inner peace
By TADEU ALENCAR ARRAIS: Exploitation via indebtedness is the most pornographic aspect of Brazilian neoliberalism