The scopic totalitarianism
By EUGENIO BUCCI: In today's totalitarianism, the dominant fear is the fear of invisibility. That's why the power of algorithms terrifies everyone
By EUGENIO BUCCI: In today's totalitarianism, the dominant fear is the fear of invisibility. That's why the power of algorithms terrifies everyone
By TARSUS GENUS: The return to democratic politics will not take place without us succeeding in completely overcoming the significant remnants of fascist hegemony
By VALERIO ARCARY: Without Lenin and the April Theses would Bolshevism have won in October 1917? Without Lula, would the left have defeated Bolsonaro in October 2022?
By PEDRO HENRIQUE M. ANICETO: Considerations on the specificity of homophobia in Brazil
By EUGENIO BUCCI: In today's totalitarianism, the dominant fear is the fear of invisibility. That's why the power of algorithms terrifies everyone
By TARSUS GENUS: The return to democratic politics will not take place without us succeeding in completely overcoming the significant remnants of fascist hegemony
By VALERIO ARCARY: Without Lenin and the April Theses would Bolshevism have won in October 1917? Without Lula, would the left have defeated Bolsonaro in October 2022?
By PEDRO HENRIQUE M. ANICETO: Considerations on the specificity of homophobia in Brazil