Why does neoliberalism in crisis reproduce itself?
By JUAREZ GUIMARÃES: The new neoliberal state regime leads to a shrinking of public law, the public sphere, public goods in favor of an unprecedented expansion of private law
By JUAREZ GUIMARÃES: The new neoliberal state regime leads to a shrinking of public law, the public sphere, public goods in favor of an unprecedented expansion of private law
By ANITA LEOCADIA ABOUT: Entry from the “Dictionary of Marxism in America”
By EUGENIO BUCCI: Jeremy Bentham's ideal prison has triumphed, because the inmates are not there against their will, but out of desire, pleasure, enjoyment and passion
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: The Bolsonaro family’s passage through Alvorada left a scorched earth scenario
By SANDRA BITENCOURT & LAURA BARRERAS: The commander declares an undeniable subversive, revolutionary and political character of her trajectory and her denunciation
By JUAREZ GUIMARÃES: The new neoliberal state regime leads to a shrinking of public law, the public sphere, public goods in favor of an unprecedented expansion of private law
By ANITA LEOCADIA ABOUT: Entry from the “Dictionary of Marxism in America”
By EUGENIO BUCCI: Jeremy Bentham's ideal prison has triumphed, because the inmates are not there against their will, but out of desire, pleasure, enjoyment and passion
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: The Bolsonaro family’s passage through Alvorada left a scorched earth scenario
By SANDRA BITENCOURT & LAURA BARRERAS: The commander declares an undeniable subversive, revolutionary and political character of her trajectory and her denunciation