health gains
By AMELIA COHN: The urgent reaffirmation of SUS and health as a right
By ANGELINA PERALVA: Considerations on the intellectual trajectory of the recently deceased French sociologist
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: The implications that money has in the practical and psychic life of Brazilians
By EDUARDO VIOR: A torrent that could deconstruct the liberal state and threaten US domination of Germany
By MARTIN MAGNUS PETIZ: The appeal to justice and mercy in “O auto da compadecida”
By ANGELINA PERALVA: Considerations on the intellectual trajectory of the recently deceased French sociologist
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: The implications that money has in the practical and psychic life of Brazilians
By EDUARDO VIOR: A torrent that could deconstruct the liberal state and threaten US domination of Germany
By MARTIN MAGNUS PETIZ: The appeal to justice and mercy in “O auto da compadecida”