War in Ukraine: origins, impasses and horizons
By TADEU VALADARES: Lecture at the Political Observatory of the Brazilian Commission for Justice and Peace
By TADEU VALADARES: Lecture at the Political Observatory of the Brazilian Commission for Justice and Peace
By CESAR LOCATELLI: Are the projections and scenarios used by the Central Bank of Brazil consistent with the reality later verified?
By FRANCISCO FERNANDES LADEIRA: Our existence is much more complex and distressing than the chimerical happiness of yesterday's and today's celebrities demonstrates
By TADEU VALADARES: Lecture at the Political Observatory of the Brazilian Commission for Justice and Peace
By CESAR LOCATELLI: Are the projections and scenarios used by the Central Bank of Brazil consistent with the reality later verified?
By FRANCISCO FERNANDES LADEIRA: Our existence is much more complex and distressing than the chimerical happiness of yesterday's and today's celebrities demonstrates