aimless identities
By TARSUS GENUS: The political identities of the left are not even formed by the idea of “left” social democratic reforms
By TARSUS GENUS: The political identities of the left are not even formed by the idea of “left” social democratic reforms
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: The issue of slavery in Machado's novel
By LUIS FELIPE MIGUEL: Bolsonarism, of which Tarcísio is version 2.0, is that. A form of extremism that always ends up putting a Rolex on the wrist of its leaders
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: The fourth year, during the day, is completely empty, because the vast majority already do internships and, in practice, drop out of studies
By LUIZ EDUARDO MOTTA: Homage to the Brazilian philosopher, poet and playwright
By TARSUS GENUS: The political identities of the left are not even formed by the idea of “left” social democratic reforms
By GUILHERME RODRIGUES: The issue of slavery in Machado's novel
By LUIS FELIPE MIGUEL: Bolsonarism, of which Tarcísio is version 2.0, is that. A form of extremism that always ends up putting a Rolex on the wrist of its leaders
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: The fourth year, during the day, is completely empty, because the vast majority already do internships and, in practice, drop out of studies
By LUIZ EDUARDO MOTTA: Homage to the Brazilian philosopher, poet and playwright