Breuer and Freud – psychoanalysis, science and philosophy
By TALES AM AB'SÁBER: Despite the conceptual, poetic, political and existential complexity that the psychoanalytic discipline implied, Freud always referred to it as fundamentally a science
By TALES AM AB'SÁBER: Despite the conceptual, poetic, political and existential complexity that the psychoanalytic discipline implied, Freud always referred to it as fundamentally a science
By SOLANGE STRUWKA & GIOVANNA IMBERNON: Entry from the “Dictionary of Marxism in America”
By ANGELITA MATOS SOUZA: Dependency theory should be the most international perspective produced by Latin American Social Sciences
By BRUNO FABRICIO ALCEBINO DA SILVA: Ecuadorian society faces a critical moment in its democratic journey
By LOUIS SERGIO CANARY: The Ministry of Finance remains a neoliberal stronghold in a government elected to be in the interests of the people of this country
By TALES AM AB'SÁBER: Despite the conceptual, poetic, political and existential complexity that the psychoanalytic discipline implied, Freud always referred to it as fundamentally a science
By SOLANGE STRUWKA & GIOVANNA IMBERNON: Entry from the “Dictionary of Marxism in America”
By ANGELITA MATOS SOUZA: Dependency theory should be the most international perspective produced by Latin American Social Sciences
By BRUNO FABRICIO ALCEBINO DA SILVA: Ecuadorian society faces a critical moment in its democratic journey
By LOUIS SERGIO CANARY: The Ministry of Finance remains a neoliberal stronghold in a government elected to be in the interests of the people of this country