Brief reflection for Christians or not
By CHICO ALENCAR: Assumption of Mary. And of Margarida, and of Marielle, and of Mother Bernadette...
By CHICO ALENCAR: Assumption of Mary. And of Margarida, and of Marielle, and of Mother Bernadette...
By JOSÉ RAIMUNDO TRINDADE: Excerpt, selected by the author, from the recently published book
By ANDREW KORYBKO: The BRICS want to “play it safe” because all its members, with the exception of Russia, have complex economic-financial interdependence with the West
By DANIEL AFONSO DA SILVA: The reform of secondary education makes education one of the most sensitive sectors in this return of President Lula and in this broad configuration of his government
By MICHEL GOULART DA SILVA: On the left there was a profound theoretical setback, with the abandonment of the strategy of the socialist revolution and even of Marxism and its political adaptation to the rules of bourgeois democracy
By CHICO ALENCAR: Assumption of Mary. And of Margarida, and of Marielle, and of Mother Bernadette...
By JOSÉ RAIMUNDO TRINDADE: Excerpt, selected by the author, from the recently published book
By ANDREW KORYBKO: The BRICS want to “play it safe” because all its members, with the exception of Russia, have complex economic-financial interdependence with the West
By DANIEL AFONSO DA SILVA: The reform of secondary education makes education one of the most sensitive sectors in this return of President Lula and in this broad configuration of his government
By MICHEL GOULART DA SILVA: On the left there was a profound theoretical setback, with the abandonment of the strategy of the socialist revolution and even of Marxism and its political adaptation to the rules of bourgeois democracy