The war of two powers in Ukraine
By GILBERTO LOPES: We are watching the United States trying to postpone its gradual loss of hegemonic power, with the world watching the death throes of Pax Americana
By GILBERTO LOPES: We are watching the United States trying to postpone its gradual loss of hegemonic power, with the world watching the death throes of Pax Americana
By MANUEL DOMINGOS NETO: Summary of theses presented in the recently released book “What to do with the military”
By JULIAN RODRIGUES: New drug policy, public security reform and prison system restructuring: the time is now
By PEDRO BENEDITO MACIEL NETO: Privatizing Sabesp is a crime, as was privatizing Eletrobrás, BR Distribuidora and many other public companies or mixed-capital companies
By GILBERTO LOPES: We are watching the United States trying to postpone its gradual loss of hegemonic power, with the world watching the death throes of Pax Americana
By MANUEL DOMINGOS NETO: Summary of theses presented in the recently released book “What to do with the military”
By JULIAN RODRIGUES: New drug policy, public security reform and prison system restructuring: the time is now
By PEDRO BENEDITO MACIEL NETO: Privatizing Sabesp is a crime, as was privatizing Eletrobrás, BR Distribuidora and many other public companies or mixed-capital companies