The construction of the homo alienatis
By ELEUTÉRIO FS PRADO: Homo alienatis, an antipode of homo economist that inhabits economic science
By ELEUTÉRIO FS PRADO: Homo alienatis, an antipode of homo economist that inhabits economic science
By MAX BLUMENTHAL: Before being removed, Ali Bongo, an essential player in the war of destruction in Libya, was courted by Barack Obama and celebrated from Washington to Davos
By MAURO LUIS IASI: The functionality of lies for the political domain
By JOSÉ FABIO RODRIGUES MACIEL: To avoid discrimination through language, not distinction, it is urgent to identify what humiliates and demeans the female gender and eliminate such terms from our vocabulary
By ELEUTÉRIO FS PRADO: Homo alienatis, an antipode of homo economist that inhabits economic science
By MAX BLUMENTHAL: Before being removed, Ali Bongo, an essential player in the war of destruction in Libya, was courted by Barack Obama and celebrated from Washington to Davos
By MAURO LUIS IASI: The functionality of lies for the political domain
By JOSÉ FABIO RODRIGUES MACIEL: To avoid discrimination through language, not distinction, it is urgent to identify what humiliates and demeans the female gender and eliminate such terms from our vocabulary