201 Years – something to celebrate?
By RAFAEL R. IORIS: Brazil has resumed its historic course as a nation that values multilateralism and negotiated conflict resolution, touchstones of our diplomacy.
By RAFAEL R. IORIS: Brazil has resumed its historic course as a nation that values multilateralism and negotiated conflict resolution, touchstones of our diplomacy.
By MIA COUTO: What Rosa pursued in her writing was “this moving, impossible, disturbing thing, rebellious to any logic, which we call 'reality', and which is ourselves, the world, life”.
By HO-FUNG HUNG: This economic model resembles state capitalism under fascist regimes in interwar Europe and Asia.
By MOWED VIANNA: Accepting the implementation of economic embargoes and allying with them out of mere diplomatic alignment or economic and political convenience makes the countries that do so accomplices in this crime.
By ALEXANDRE JULIETE ROSA: Considerations on the journey of Walter Delgatti Neto, the “hacker from Araraquara”.
By RAFAEL R. IORIS: Brazil has resumed its historic course as a nation that values multilateralism and negotiated conflict resolution, touchstones of our diplomacy.
By MIA COUTO: What Rosa pursued in her writing was “this moving, impossible, disturbing thing, rebellious to any logic, which we call 'reality', and which is ourselves, the world, life”.
By HO-FUNG HUNG: This economic model resembles state capitalism under fascist regimes in interwar Europe and Asia.
By MOWED VIANNA: Accepting the implementation of economic embargoes and allying with them out of mere diplomatic alignment or economic and political convenience makes the countries that do so accomplices in this crime.
By ALEXANDRE JULIETE ROSA: Considerations on the journey of Walter Delgatti Neto, the “hacker from Araraquara”.