Polonaise no. 2
By JOÃO QUARTIM DE MORAES: From Brest-Litovski to the Polish-Ukrainian war
By JOÃO QUARTIM DE MORAES: From Brest-Litovski to the Polish-Ukrainian war
By RICARDO IANNACE: Fantastic or marvelous realism – a classificatory uncertainty
By CAMILA BOLINI, MARIA LUÍSA NÓBREGA & AFRANIO CATANI: We can talk about a project for Latin American universities that had its origins in Argentina and that today guides the legal meaning of university autonomy
By ARI MARCELO SOLON: Hegel said that this is the most beautiful work of all time and also said that Greek tragedy will never be repeated again
By GUSTAVO CAPONI: Progressivism and conservative reaction face each other today in Argentina as they did in Brazil; and the result of the clash could be regrettable
By JOÃO QUARTIM DE MORAES: From Brest-Litovski to the Polish-Ukrainian war
By RICARDO IANNACE: Fantastic or marvelous realism – a classificatory uncertainty
By CAMILA BOLINI, MARIA LUÍSA NÓBREGA & AFRANIO CATANI: We can talk about a project for Latin American universities that had its origins in Argentina and that today guides the legal meaning of university autonomy
By ARI MARCELO SOLON: Hegel said that this is the most beautiful work of all time and also said that Greek tragedy will never be repeated again
By GUSTAVO CAPONI: Progressivism and conservative reaction face each other today in Argentina as they did in Brazil; and the result of the clash could be regrettable