Chaos in the city and war in the countryside
By LISZT VIEIRA: A war unleashed by capital that uses the pretext of economic production to impose barbarism
By LISZT VIEIRA: A war unleashed by capital that uses the pretext of economic production to impose barbarism
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: The political campaign for free trade in the face of the mercantilist State set the laissez faire in the popular mind as the practical conclusion of liberal political economy
By JOÃO CARLOS LOEBENS: In the Brazilian tax system, the poorer you are, the more tax you pay; the richer, the less tax you pay
By VINÍCIO CARRILHO MARTINEZ: Letter to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
By LISZT VIEIRA: A war unleashed by capital that uses the pretext of economic production to impose barbarism
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: The political campaign for free trade in the face of the mercantilist State set the laissez faire in the popular mind as the practical conclusion of liberal political economy
By JOÃO CARLOS LOEBENS: In the Brazilian tax system, the poorer you are, the more tax you pay; the richer, the less tax you pay
By VINÍCIO CARRILHO MARTINEZ: Letter to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva