Notes on Gaza and necropolitics
By SÉRGIO AMADEU DA SILVEIRA: What the State of Israel practices in Palestine is necropolitics or the production of the extermination of a people
By SÉRGIO AMADEU DA SILVEIRA: What the State of Israel practices in Palestine is necropolitics or the production of the extermination of a people
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: Records of film productions that question the intricacies of the coup in Chile, dealing with the most unexpected ramifications
By MICHAEL ROBERTS: The multiple disruptive tensions that the capitalist mode of production is facing place humanity and the planet in an existential crisis
By BERENICE BENTO: The drama of the Palestinian people did not begin a week ago. 75 years of wandering
By MOWED VIANNA: The justification for the violence of the police in Rio de Janeiro, the same as the justification of the Israeli Forces, is that “the favelas are home to drug dealers
By SÉRGIO AMADEU DA SILVEIRA: What the State of Israel practices in Palestine is necropolitics or the production of the extermination of a people
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: Records of film productions that question the intricacies of the coup in Chile, dealing with the most unexpected ramifications
By MICHAEL ROBERTS: The multiple disruptive tensions that the capitalist mode of production is facing place humanity and the planet in an existential crisis
By BERENICE BENTO: The drama of the Palestinian people did not begin a week ago. 75 years of wandering
By MOWED VIANNA: The justification for the violence of the police in Rio de Janeiro, the same as the justification of the Israeli Forces, is that “the favelas are home to drug dealers