Political economy of modern art – part 2
By LUIZ RENATO MARTINS: Entries and notes for a script of fights and debates
By LUIZ RENATO MARTINS: Entries and notes for a script of fights and debates
By DANIEL BRAZIL: Comment on the recently released book by Lúcia Helena Gama
By SIMPLICIUS THE THINKER: Neoconservatives admit that a victorious Russia will be the most formidable force since the end of the Cold War
By DANIEL AFONSO DA SILVA: It took a long time for the message and meaning of Milan Kundera's work to be understood
By LUIZ RENATO MARTINS: Entries and notes for a script of fights and debates
By DANIEL BRAZIL: Comment on the recently released book by Lúcia Helena Gama
By SIMPLICIUS THE THINKER: Neoconservatives admit that a victorious Russia will be the most formidable force since the end of the Cold War
By DANIEL AFONSO DA SILVA: It took a long time for the message and meaning of Milan Kundera's work to be understood