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By FLAVIO R. KOTHE: Things exist, however, with some self or without any self, they do not depend on it
By FLAVIO R. KOTHE: Things exist, however, with some self or without any self, they do not depend on it
By GUILHERME COLOMBARA ROSSATTO: Comments on the film, showing in cinemas, by Nanni Moretti
By FRANCISCO TEIXEIRA: Well before the Holocaust became a Jewish fixation, the UN was already using this tragedy to justify the immoral partition of Palestine
By ADALBERTO SANTANA: The new Herods devastate the communities of Gaza and their counterinsurgent premise is to expel the people of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of Greater Palestine
By BRUNO FABRICIO ALCEBINO DA SILVA: The rise of organized crime is related to the progressive dismantling of the State and the suspension of crucial institutions
By FLAVIO R. KOTHE: Things exist, however, with some self or without any self, they do not depend on it
By GUILHERME COLOMBARA ROSSATTO: Comments on the film, showing in cinemas, by Nanni Moretti
By FRANCISCO TEIXEIRA: Well before the Holocaust became a Jewish fixation, the UN was already using this tragedy to justify the immoral partition of Palestine
By ADALBERTO SANTANA: The new Herods devastate the communities of Gaza and their counterinsurgent premise is to expel the people of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of Greater Palestine
By BRUNO FABRICIO ALCEBINO DA SILVA: The rise of organized crime is related to the progressive dismantling of the State and the suspension of crucial institutions