Mario Pablo Fuks
By AB´SABER TALES: Refined and committed psychoanalyst, socialist, thinker of contemporary psychoanalysis
By AB´SABER TALES: Refined and committed psychoanalyst, socialist, thinker of contemporary psychoanalysis
By JOÃO LANARI BO: Considerations on the work of the Russian filmmaker
By PAULO SÉRGIO PINHEIRO, HANNY MEGALY & LYNN WELCHMAN: Syria faces a new whirlwind of conflicts
By JOYCE SOUZA & FABIO DE OLIVEIRA MALDONADO: The construction of Brazilian digital health and the deepening of technological dependence
By EVALDO LUIS PAULY: The collection of tithes subjects the Christian church to a new Babylonian captivity, in which the sale of indulgences resembles the sale of prosperity promised by the church to those who invest in the tithe
By AB´SABER TALES: Refined and committed psychoanalyst, socialist, thinker of contemporary psychoanalysis
By JOÃO LANARI BO: Considerations on the work of the Russian filmmaker
By PAULO SÉRGIO PINHEIRO, HANNY MEGALY & LYNN WELCHMAN: Syria faces a new whirlwind of conflicts
By JOYCE SOUZA & FABIO DE OLIVEIRA MALDONADO: The construction of Brazilian digital health and the deepening of technological dependence
By EVALDO LUIS PAULY: The collection of tithes subjects the Christian church to a new Babylonian captivity, in which the sale of indulgences resembles the sale of prosperity promised by the church to those who invest in the tithe