Notes on Aesthetics by György Lukács
By CELSO FREDERICO: The understanding of art as one of the human activities is done within an ontological register, as it “deals with the aesthetic as a moment of being, of social being”
By CELSO FREDERICO: The understanding of art as one of the human activities is done within an ontological register, as it “deals with the aesthetic as a moment of being, of social being”
By ARNALDO SAMPAIO DE MORAES GODOY: Commentary on the novel by Edgard Telles Ribeiro
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The uses of cartography for the appropriation of cartographic language by non-dominant groups
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: 176 years ago, the “spectre” of Communist Party Manifesto “haunts the world”, inspiring the conscience and guiding the political action of millions of people
By CELSO FREDERICO: The understanding of art as one of the human activities is done within an ontological register, as it “deals with the aesthetic as a moment of being, of social being”
By ARNALDO SAMPAIO DE MORAES GODOY: Commentary on the novel by Edgard Telles Ribeiro
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The uses of cartography for the appropriation of cartographic language by non-dominant groups
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: 176 years ago, the “spectre” of Communist Party Manifesto “haunts the world”, inspiring the conscience and guiding the political action of millions of people