Fragments XXIV
By AIRTON PASCHOA: Six short pieces
By LUIZ MARQUES: The destruction caused by the perfect storm (conservative, neo-fascist, neoliberal) and the delay in congressional representation are obstacles that require the sensitivity of a statesman
By EBERVAL GADELHA FIGUEIREDO JÚNIOR: The use of the term “pardo” is historically complex and inconsistent, not always presupposing miscegenation
By JOÃO SANTIAGO: Marx, obsessed with workers' power, is more current than ever in all workers' movements, women's movements, oppressed sectors and nationalities
By DANIEL AFONSO DA SILVA: University spaces have accentuated their mediocrity and made persecution a rule
By LUIZ MARQUES: The destruction caused by the perfect storm (conservative, neo-fascist, neoliberal) and the delay in congressional representation are obstacles that require the sensitivity of a statesman
By EBERVAL GADELHA FIGUEIREDO JÚNIOR: The use of the term “pardo” is historically complex and inconsistent, not always presupposing miscegenation
By JOÃO SANTIAGO: Marx, obsessed with workers' power, is more current than ever in all workers' movements, women's movements, oppressed sectors and nationalities
By DANIEL AFONSO DA SILVA: University spaces have accentuated their mediocrity and made persecution a rule