Consuming Cuba
By EUGENIO BUCCI: The Cuban tragedy, somewhat melancholic, is not explained by the collapse of production relations, but by the emptying of consumption relations
By EUGENIO BUCCI: The Cuban tragedy, somewhat melancholic, is not explained by the collapse of production relations, but by the emptying of consumption relations
By JOSÉ LUÍS FIORI: There is no official document that defines and explains President Lula's new foreign policy
By TIMOFEY BORDACHEV: Emmanuel Macron may be a clown, but he is a dangerous clown
By HELCIO HERBERT NETO: What are the reasons that made possible the emergence of the connection between moralism and politics with football almost a century ago?
By RENATO JANINE RIBEIRO & FERNANDA ANTONIA SOBRAL: Proposals for the cycle of debates organized by the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC)
By EUGENIO BUCCI: The Cuban tragedy, somewhat melancholic, is not explained by the collapse of production relations, but by the emptying of consumption relations
By JOSÉ LUÍS FIORI: There is no official document that defines and explains President Lula's new foreign policy
By TIMOFEY BORDACHEV: Emmanuel Macron may be a clown, but he is a dangerous clown
By HELCIO HERBERT NETO: What are the reasons that made possible the emergence of the connection between moralism and politics with football almost a century ago?
By RENATO JANINE RIBEIRO & FERNANDA ANTONIA SOBRAL: Proposals for the cycle of debates organized by the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC)