The controversy over the Uberization PL
By JORGE LUIZ SOUTO MAIOR: The real interests of the working class and the challenges to building an effectively fair, egalitarian and humane society are not included in the debate on the Uberization Bill
By JORGE LUIZ SOUTO MAIOR: The real interests of the working class and the challenges to building an effectively fair, egalitarian and humane society are not included in the debate on the Uberization Bill
By ANTONIO RIBEIRO ALMEIDA JR.: Preface to the recently released book by Felipe Scalisa de Oliveira on human rights violations at the USP Faculty of Medicine
By WILLYAN ALVAREZ VIEGAS: Despite the weakening of Petro's image and the difficult governance with the end of conciliation and the commitment to the popular and progressive character of the government, during Petro's mandate the initiative of the agenda remains
By CARLA TEIXEIRA: The decision to make possession of any amount of drugs illegal is scientific denialism, institutional racism and a total lack of civic commitment by senators with the real problems of society
By KATIA SANTOS: Tribute to the recently deceased logician and professor at USP
By JORGE LUIZ SOUTO MAIOR: The real interests of the working class and the challenges to building an effectively fair, egalitarian and humane society are not included in the debate on the Uberization Bill
By ANTONIO RIBEIRO ALMEIDA JR.: Preface to the recently released book by Felipe Scalisa de Oliveira on human rights violations at the USP Faculty of Medicine
By WILLYAN ALVAREZ VIEGAS: Despite the weakening of Petro's image and the difficult governance with the end of conciliation and the commitment to the popular and progressive character of the government, during Petro's mandate the initiative of the agenda remains
By CARLA TEIXEIRA: The decision to make possession of any amount of drugs illegal is scientific denialism, institutional racism and a total lack of civic commitment by senators with the real problems of society
By KATIA SANTOS: Tribute to the recently deceased logician and professor at USP