A bewildering hobbyhorse
By EUGENIO BUCCI: A James Bond movie villain debuts in politics
By SOLENI BISCOUTO FRESSATO: The fabulous city of Macondo: an allegory of Latin America
By MARCELO SEVAYBRICKER MOREIRA: Does the current strike strengthen or weaken the field that fights for the consolidation of a public, free and quality higher education system in Brazil?
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The issue is complex and controversial, but there is no reason for the market and media’s catastrophist speeches
By LUIZ MARQUES: Behind the freedom defended by right-wing populism, to deceive, lies the unacceptable denial of human dignity, along with the treatment of natural resources as extractive commodities to enhance immediate profit
By SOLENI BISCOUTO FRESSATO: The fabulous city of Macondo: an allegory of Latin America
By MARCELO SEVAYBRICKER MOREIRA: Does the current strike strengthen or weaken the field that fights for the consolidation of a public, free and quality higher education system in Brazil?
By PAULO NOGUEIRA BATISTA JR.: The issue is complex and controversial, but there is no reason for the market and media’s catastrophist speeches
By LUIZ MARQUES: Behind the freedom defended by right-wing populism, to deceive, lies the unacceptable denial of human dignity, along with the treatment of natural resources as extractive commodities to enhance immediate profit