The Brazil Without Hunger program
By JEAN MARC VON DER WEID: The creation of a state structure to address the food problem in all its dimensions in an integrated manner would be highly recommended.
By JEAN MARC VON DER WEID: The creation of a state structure to address the food problem in all its dimensions in an integrated manner would be highly recommended.
By LIMA BARRETO: Texts discovered by researcher Alexandre Juliete Rosa in the collection of the newspaper D. Quixote
By FRANCISCO BATISTA JÚNIOR: There is no solution for the SUS without combating all forms of privatization and without eliminating once and for all all the management tools and instruments that diversify and fragment its conceptual rules
By EMILIO CAFASSI: In the face of bestial violence against knowledge, we put, in the streets, in paintings, in narratives and on the pages we rely on, the knowledge of bestiality
By JEFFERSON NASCIMENTO & RENATO NUCCI JR.: Musk and Textor use strategies with clear political origins, but they differ in the agenda they mobilize and the environment in which they operate
By JEAN MARC VON DER WEID: The creation of a state structure to address the food problem in all its dimensions in an integrated manner would be highly recommended.
By LIMA BARRETO: Texts discovered by researcher Alexandre Juliete Rosa in the collection of the newspaper D. Quixote
By FRANCISCO BATISTA JÚNIOR: There is no solution for the SUS without combating all forms of privatization and without eliminating once and for all all the management tools and instruments that diversify and fragment its conceptual rules
By EMILIO CAFASSI: In the face of bestial violence against knowledge, we put, in the streets, in paintings, in narratives and on the pages we rely on, the knowledge of bestiality
By JEFFERSON NASCIMENTO & RENATO NUCCI JR.: Musk and Textor use strategies with clear political origins, but they differ in the agenda they mobilize and the environment in which they operate