The sun of the future
By MANUFACTURING MARIAROSARIA: Considerations about Il sol dell'avvenire (The best is yet to come), film by Nanni Moretti
By MANUFACTURING MARIAROSARIA: Considerations about Il sol dell'avvenire (The best is yet to come), film by Nanni Moretti
By ANDREW FEENBERG: The philosophy of praxis is significant today as the most developed attempt within Marxism to reflect on the consequences of the rationalization of society under capitalism
By RODRIGO GHIRINGHELLI DE AZEVEDO: Rio Grande do Sul at the epicenter of the climate catastrophe – between civil solidarity, state action and social anomie
By REGINALDO S. FERNANDES: Government is like beans, it only works in a pressure cooker
By ANDRÉ LEMOS: The struggle of the political situation in Brazil is not only in the context of deepening democracy or not, but in the context of the survival or not of democracy
By MANUFACTURING MARIAROSARIA: Considerations about Il sol dell'avvenire (The best is yet to come), film by Nanni Moretti
By ANDREW FEENBERG: The philosophy of praxis is significant today as the most developed attempt within Marxism to reflect on the consequences of the rationalization of society under capitalism
By RODRIGO GHIRINGHELLI DE AZEVEDO: Rio Grande do Sul at the epicenter of the climate catastrophe – between civil solidarity, state action and social anomie
By REGINALDO S. FERNANDES: Government is like beans, it only works in a pressure cooker
By ANDRÉ LEMOS: The struggle of the political situation in Brazil is not only in the context of deepening democracy or not, but in the context of the survival or not of democracy