Cities and waters
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The suffering of populations, mostly urban, affected by a disaster like the one in Rio Grande do Sul calls for action and also for reflection
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The suffering of populations, mostly urban, affected by a disaster like the one in Rio Grande do Sul calls for action and also for reflection
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: For centuries scientists thought that ants and bees, in the kingdoms they build, had a King
By TARSUS GENUS: The term “reconstruct” a devastated region is a terminological falsehood, because the city and the region will never be the same again
By LUCAS TRENTIN RECH: Comment on the article by Valter Lúcio de Oliveira
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The suffering of populations, mostly urban, affected by a disaster like the one in Rio Grande do Sul calls for action and also for reflection
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: For centuries scientists thought that ants and bees, in the kingdoms they build, had a King
By TARSUS GENUS: The term “reconstruct” a devastated region is a terminological falsehood, because the city and the region will never be the same again
By LUCAS TRENTIN RECH: Comment on the article by Valter Lúcio de Oliveira