The denialist rubble
By TARSUS GENUS: The eternity that does not exist is the eternity that thinks about always repeating the same humanity or that believes that the extinction of humans is impossible
By TARSUS GENUS: The eternity that does not exist is the eternity that thinks about always repeating the same humanity or that believes that the extinction of humans is impossible
By WAGNER CAMPOS: Commentary on the book Lucyane De Moraes
By RENATO DAGNINO: Considerations based on an article by José Dirceu
By MARISA BITTAR: Regardless of the governments that follow and the demands of the teaching profession, the essential point of this strike is: who is interested in empty universities?
By ANTONIO SIMPLICIO DE ALMEIDA NETO: The subject of history was inserted into a generic area called Applied Human and Social Sciences and, finally, disappeared into the curricular drain
By RAFAEL CARDOSO SAMPAIO & LEON VICTOR DE QUEIROZ BARBOSA: Strikes are not the main current problems in education
By TARSUS GENUS: The eternity that does not exist is the eternity that thinks about always repeating the same humanity or that believes that the extinction of humans is impossible
By WAGNER CAMPOS: Commentary on the book Lucyane De Moraes
By RENATO DAGNINO: Considerations based on an article by José Dirceu
By MARISA BITTAR: Regardless of the governments that follow and the demands of the teaching profession, the essential point of this strike is: who is interested in empty universities?
By ANTONIO SIMPLICIO DE ALMEIDA NETO: The subject of history was inserted into a generic area called Applied Human and Social Sciences and, finally, disappeared into the curricular drain
By RAFAEL CARDOSO SAMPAIO & LEON VICTOR DE QUEIROZ BARBOSA: Strikes are not the main current problems in education