Five intellectuals
By AFRANIO CATANI: Analysis of the trajectories of Vinicius de Moraes, BJ Duarte, Octavio Ianni, Florestan Fernandes and Pierre Bourdieu
By AFRANIO CATANI: Analysis of the trajectories of Vinicius de Moraes, BJ Duarte, Octavio Ianni, Florestan Fernandes and Pierre Bourdieu
By JOANA COUTINHO & MAURÍCIO BRUGNARO JÚNIOR: Entry from the “Dictionary of Marxism in America”
By RICARDO ABRAMOVAY: The fight against inequalities lies at the heart of achieving a society capable of preventing the large-scale destruction of the foundations that support life itself
By ANGELITA MATOS SOUZA: All the Venezuelan military needs to do is establish the agreements desired by American oil companies and Venezuela will “immediately become an example of democracy”
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The reluctance of elites to take measures compatible with the precautionary principle in climate matters seems to suggest that the (lack of) Lifeboat Ethics is in operation today
By AFRANIO CATANI: Analysis of the trajectories of Vinicius de Moraes, BJ Duarte, Octavio Ianni, Florestan Fernandes and Pierre Bourdieu
By JOANA COUTINHO & MAURÍCIO BRUGNARO JÚNIOR: Entry from the “Dictionary of Marxism in America”
By RICARDO ABRAMOVAY: The fight against inequalities lies at the heart of achieving a society capable of preventing the large-scale destruction of the foundations that support life itself
By ANGELITA MATOS SOUZA: All the Venezuelan military needs to do is establish the agreements desired by American oil companies and Venezuela will “immediately become an example of democracy”
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The reluctance of elites to take measures compatible with the precautionary principle in climate matters seems to suggest that the (lack of) Lifeboat Ethics is in operation today