Common fascism, dream and history
By TALES AB' SABER: The fascist regime always weighs on language and language itself, as it originally weighs on the psyche available to the simplified past of the fascist
By TALES AB' SABER: The fascist regime always weighs on language and language itself, as it originally weighs on the psyche available to the simplified past of the fascist
By CARLOS DE NICOLA: Commentary on the book Brave New World by Bernardo Esteves
By FRANCISCO BATISTA JÚNIOR: The care model and financing of our universal health system, public-private relations in health, and labor relations in the SUS
By HUGO DIONISIO: In a deep crisis, naturally and gradually, the exploitative base is removing the civilizational obstacles that separate greed from its object.
By MICHEL GOULART DA SILVA: In Lessons of October we find one of Trotsky's first struggles in the defense of a political writing of the history of the revolutionary process of 1917.
By TALES AB' SABER: The fascist regime always weighs on language and language itself, as it originally weighs on the psyche available to the simplified past of the fascist
By CARLOS DE NICOLA: Commentary on the book Brave New World by Bernardo Esteves
By FRANCISCO BATISTA JÚNIOR: The care model and financing of our universal health system, public-private relations in health, and labor relations in the SUS
By HUGO DIONISIO: In a deep crisis, naturally and gradually, the exploitative base is removing the civilizational obstacles that separate greed from its object.
By MICHEL GOULART DA SILVA: In Lessons of October we find one of Trotsky's first struggles in the defense of a political writing of the history of the revolutionary process of 1917.