The German economy
By FLAVIO AGUIAR: From robust giant to problem child
By HENRI ACSELRAD & KARINE L. NARAHARA: Presentation of the recently released book by Bianca Dieile da Silva
By ALESSANDRO VOLPI: Donald Trump's victory would be a true financial earthquake, institutionally motivated, which would force “the masters of the world” to deal with politics
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: A more well-founded criticism would require considering not only negative aspects, but also potential benefits of the so-called “financialization”
By EDNEI OF GENARO: Individual mechanisms of evaluation and self-blame are the key to managing, preserving and exempting the institutional order
By HENRI ACSELRAD & KARINE L. NARAHARA: Presentation of the recently released book by Bianca Dieile da Silva
By ALESSANDRO VOLPI: Donald Trump's victory would be a true financial earthquake, institutionally motivated, which would force “the masters of the world” to deal with politics
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: A more well-founded criticism would require considering not only negative aspects, but also potential benefits of the so-called “financialization”
By EDNEI OF GENARO: Individual mechanisms of evaluation and self-blame are the key to managing, preserving and exempting the institutional order