Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira – 90 years old
By LEDA PAULANI: Speech at the tribute to the economist's 90th birthday, at the Getútio Vargas Foundation (FGV-SP)
By LEDA PAULANI: Speech at the tribute to the economist's 90th birthday, at the Getútio Vargas Foundation (FGV-SP)
By JACQUES CHAMBON: Foreword to the French edition, translated by Zenir Campos Reis.
By TARSO GENRO: Fascists and traitors of the 1988 Charter stand side by side, strengthened by fear and haunted by a danger of which not everyone is aware
By ANDREW KORYBKO: Non-nuclear Iran is incapable of posing an existential threat to the US like nuclear-armed Russia
By VALERIO ARCARY: At both extremes are assessments that either the left has “died” or that it remains “intact”, but both, paradoxically, underestimate, for different reasons, the Bolsonaro threat
By LEDA PAULANI: Speech at the tribute to the economist's 90th birthday, at the Getútio Vargas Foundation (FGV-SP)
By JACQUES CHAMBON: Foreword to the French edition, translated by Zenir Campos Reis.
By TARSO GENRO: Fascists and traitors of the 1988 Charter stand side by side, strengthened by fear and haunted by a danger of which not everyone is aware
By ANDREW KORYBKO: Non-nuclear Iran is incapable of posing an existential threat to the US like nuclear-armed Russia
By VALERIO ARCARY: At both extremes are assessments that either the left has “died” or that it remains “intact”, but both, paradoxically, underestimate, for different reasons, the Bolsonaro threat